Tobacco Resources

Tobacco use in the LGBT communities

LGBT individuals face significant tobacco use disparities, with higher smoking rates and targeted marketing. Urgent actions are needed at federal, state, and local levels to reduce tobacco use, especially within the LGBT community.

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Quit Smoking Resources

Accessing quit smoking resources is crucial for individuals looking to kick the habit. Our comprehensive resources and support can guide you towards a tobacco-free future.

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Fast Facts and Fact Sheets

These Fast Facts and Fact Sheets provide essential information on smoking and cigarettes, underlining the pervasive health and economic impacts of tobacco use in the United States. From its leading role in preventable diseases to the significant financial costs and ongoing challenges of smoking cessation, this resource sheds light on critical issues for individuals and policymakers alike.

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End Big Tobacco’s Targeting of the LGBTQ+ Community

At The Collective Coalition, we stand united against the insidious targeting of the LGBTQ+ community by Big Tobacco. Our "Show Solidarity" initiative is a call to action, urging individuals and organizations to join us in the fight against predatory practices that disproportionately impact our community.

The Stories Behind Tobacco Statistics

Explore the unique journeys and resilient stories within the LGBTQ+ community's complex relationship with tobacco and nicotine, shedding light on the struggle, strength, and shared experiences of four queer individuals.

Have you heard of Project SCUM?

The Tobacco marketing plan called, “Project Subculture Urban Marketing.” This scheme was designed to appeal to the rebellious, nontraditional characteristics of the LGBT community.


Trans community and Tobacco

Check it this video for information on how Tobacco effects Hormone Replacement Therapy and Gender Assignment Surgery.